Tuesday, January 5, 2010

For the love of PJ's!

The holiday’s always bring many great snuggly things for our family but one of my favorites spending days on end in our PJ’s. This year brought a few extra days because of the snow. It just seems so natural to stay cozy in jammies all day when we are snuggled in with a fire and heaps of snow outside.

But, par for the course for me, I always seem to indulge in a good thing just a bit too much. Last night I needed to do some shopping, so off to the store I trudged. With Rock Star in tow. In his PJ’s. Yes, you heard me right, no need to go back and read again, I let him wear his Thomas the Train Christmas flannel PJ’s to the store. They looked extra special with his snow boots. I found this hilarious because a child out in public in their PJ’s is one of those pre-kids “I will never!” statements I used to make. Today is about 4˚ outside so there is of course again no real need to get dressed. I did offer Rock Star some clothes but he replied, “No thanks. I prefer to just wear my jammies all day.” I had a twinge of guilt and then I thought, life should be enjoyed…why not enjoy the cozy PJ’s while you can. I am also enjoying the added bonus of less laundry.

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