- Returned a skirt bought at the beginning of summer without a receipt and got $4.62 for it. Of course I paid $19.99 for it.
- Headed to the baby department to look for a baby gate. Of course they do not have the one I want.
- Rock Star begins pee-pee dance and starts looking for a place to wing it out. I scream, “Do not pull your penis out! Hurry Run!” and of to the bathroom we go.
- Force the semi truck kid cart into the bathroom, even though it really does not fit.
- Ask the Rock Star if he has to poop. THREE times. Answer is of course no, but I know there is a turd looming.
- Attempt to back out of the bathroom with the kid cart gracefully. As if.
- Realize I need more caffeine.
- Take my lousy four bucks and go buy a big coffee at the in-store Starbucks.
- Head to the Health and Beauty department to buy tampons for the period I feel about ready to take over.
- Find a mismark on Enfamil Lipil formula (reg $24.99) for $11.59 each. SCORE. I bought every can they had.
- Notice Rock Star doing poop dance. Have a polite conversation with the Rock Start about going poop when I ask him to as we are making another run for the front of the store. Of course he informs he couldn’t because the poop wasn’t at the hole when I ask him to go.
- Hike to the very back of the store to look at toys, I am feeling happy about the formula steal and the coffee is kicking in.
- Say “No” 167 times.
- Itty Bitty wants to be held; now I get to the push the freaking semi truck cart with one arm and 4-year old speed. I think there may be a little old lady wearing a red shirt left as road kill in the Lego isle.
- Bribe Rock Star out of the toy isle with a clearance “Speed Racer” hand-held game, which was clearly returned after being given as a gift because there were batteries scotch taped to the back. Another score.
- Head to the check out, where we have a hoo-ha over the formula. I win.
- Get home; change into sweats and wonder if because it is Friday if it is okay to start drinking at 1:30.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Happily headed for Target this morning…
And then I got there:
Wanna Laugh?

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