My husband and I have been married for 12 years, yet I have found myself “on the market” again. Courting of sorts, pursuing and being pursued. Yes, it is true, I am Mommy Dating. I recently met a mom while at a bookstore with my kids, talked and went our separate ways only to end up a few tables apart at Panera for lunch. It was fate, we shared the same name and grew up only a few miles from each other in Michigan. We enjoyed our lunch and ended by swapping contact info. After waiting the appropriate amount of time (careful not to seem overly eager, nor snobbishly distant) I emailed her. Hoping against hope to hear back – I mean I really liked this chick. When she emailed me back she ask me out for drinks - I squealed, printed the email and danced around my house hugging it to my chest. I kid of course, but not really…
How fun is this? I think anyone who has been married more than a week occasionally misses the excitement of dating. The newness, the anticipation, being confused, entertained and intrigued, even the heartbreak. Yes, I have even had my heart broken by a mom or two. Mommy dating brings back the same feelings I had pre-marital bliss. Only seeing the good at first, wondering what the bad is and when you will see it. The never ending questions: once the ugly is reveled do you stick it out or cut and run? Is this person healthy for me? Can I really be myself when we are together or do I morph into someone I do not recognize in the hopes of being liked…on and on.
Just like regular dating, the honeymoon phase is heaven, you are sure you will be friends forever and then it happens. Your kids gets the smack down while your girlfriend looks on and says, “hmm..he just has so much energy!” or you start to realize this person has NEVER spent a day in pj’s with unbrushed teeth. Sorry I need my girlfriends to keep their kids in line (or at least fake an attempt for me) and have at least three gross days a month. So here we end up…The Breakup, which seems to always go something like this:
“Oh Hi, sorry we have been out of touch so much lately. Kids have been sick, hubby is working nonstop, we are vacationing every other week until 2012, in the middle of a house remodel, running to soccer, ballet, piano, pottery, voice, karate and puppy class. But lets try to get-together soon!”
Of course this is done via Facebook.
Now, I have been dumped more than I have dumped others. I am not sure why because my children are perfect and I am gross at least 24 days out of the month so I consider myself to be a real catch.
Perhaps I should start a new dating service for moms – Matchmaker For Mommies. (oh, this is good, consider it patented). I will start with my own ad:
SAHM Seeks Friends:
Seeking funny, overwhelmed, un-kept, coffee drinking, moms who enjoy strolling through Target, wiping butts, laundry, cooking, dishes, poop scooping after the dog, Must be willing to forgo the housework to enjoy a good book, be adept at talking on the phone with screaming children in the background, willing to tag team each others kids when in public, and enjoy a good happy meal. Friend Request me on FB if interested.
Good luck being in the game moms!
Note to my new friend Amy – I know WE will be friends forever! :-)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Back in the Dating Game
Wanna Laugh?

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