Hello my friends! So life has been a bit busy for my family the last month. Well, busy may not be the right word – perhaps slowed to a standstill? I have been on complete bed rest keeping our little baby safe and growing until she can safely be born. Needless to say our family has been growing through many changes and modifications to our new (although temporary) way of living.
All was going okay…then…
As I have shared before I am a recovering “Type A” personality. I say recovering because I live in constant pursuit to be present in the moment and not micromanage my family. Eh, I am a work in progress. I do really well when things of course are going smoothly (otherwise known as “Amy’s Way”), but when life throws me a curve ball my gut reaction is to grab hold of my family and life and start owning and organizing all the pieces until I am comfortable again.
Last week life threw me a doozy. Due to increased complications with my pregnancy I have landed in the hospital until baby arrives (which will hopefully not be for another 6-8 weeks). Yep, that’s right, two months in the hospital.
The first 12 hours following my admission and being told I was here for the long haul are somewhat a blur of panic, crying and attempting to bribe doctors into springing me. Then something amazing started to happen. I started getting calls, texts, emails and Facebook messages from friends, neighbors, my husband’s co-workers, and our church family all reassuring me that my family would be taken care of and I could relax.
My family had become the center of our village. My children are being loved, hugged, reassured, played with and fed. Our home is being kept clean and laundry done. Our refrigerator stocked. The physical and emotional needs of my family are being cared for – by our very own village. By the end of the second day of my hospitalization I realized I had a new appreciation for what it means to have a village. In a very short period of time many things became apparent to me about the genuine love and goodness of others, about the resiliency of my family and believe it or not, I am not the only mother in town who knows how to do laundry, shop, scrub a toilet, make a yummy and nutritious lunch and even hug my kids. Go figure. But perhaps the greatest insight I have gained is realizing what a gift this experience is for my kids. Of course my initial reaction was “how will my family survive without me?” (yeah-yeah, I know – arrogant). However, I am seeing now that my children are learning that there is a community of people who love and care about them and will always help them when they need it. There will always be a loving teacher, neighbor, a playmates mom, or someone sitting next to them in church on Sunday who will offer a hug and reassurance that they are loved and safe.
My family is living within the love of our village. Thank you for all you are giving our home and hearts.
P.S. Have your own village story you want to share? I’d love to read about it. Really, I would. I have the time.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
A Village; Every Family Needs One
Hospital Life,

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